Buckhall Church History
The name Buckhall originates from the large number of bucks that inhabited the area at the end of the Civil War. The name was coined by Capt. Thomas J. Moore, who fell in love with the area after fighting for the Union in the Civil War. Capt. Moore was also the construction foreman for the original Buckhall Church building. Prior to being called Buckhall, the area was known as Oak Hill.The main road that runs through Buckhall, Moore Drive, is named after Capt. Moore. His original residence was demolished around 1991.
In June of 1905, Joseph and Lydia Hensley donated land for the construction of a church building at Buckhall. The minutes of the meeting of the newly elected Trustees quote Capt. Thomas J. Moore as saying "I will use the best timber and plenty of nails so it won't shake." By February of 1906, the building was completed and in use. The final report on construction costs showed this breakdown:
- Total Cost: $830.80
- Total amount received (including $50 borrowed from bank): $426.80
- Total amount received in lumber and work: $226.50
- Amount as yet not provided for: $137.50
In the years 1938-1939, Buckhall was preparing to expand the church building by adding classrooms and in 1941, excavation was begun to raise the church and build a basement with construction completed in 1944. While Buckhall was expanding, the scope of the church at large was going through major changes as well. In 1939, there was a merger between the Methodist Episcopal Church, North and South, and the Methodist Protestant Church to form the Methodist Church. In 1946, the Church of the United Brethren in Christ merged with the Evangelical Church to become the Evangelical United Brethren Church. The whole tone of the church changed and evangelical missions became an important part of the Church's work.
In 1955, colored glass replaced the plain glass in the windows in anticipation of the Church's 50th anniversary, which was celebrated on October 30th. For the next several years the Buckhall congregation grew gradually in numbers and remained a strong presence in the community. In 1968, when the Evangelical United Brethren and the Methodist Church merged to become the United Methodist Church, things began to change at the Conference level. Manassas and Buckhall were a charge that shared a pastor. As Manassas expanded, Buckhall grew at a slower rate. In 1970, the Alexandria District of the United Methodist Church reaffirmed their intention to keep Buckhall open and to assist it in expanding to meet the needs of the growing local population. In 1976 Buckhall was considered large enough with 78 members to support a pastor, with some help from the District. In December 1978, less than two years after the arrival of Buckhall's first solo minister, church membership had increased by 12% and the church was once again active in the community.
The brick building was completed in 1988, and services were then held in what is now the Fellowship Hall.
The main sanctuary was completed in 2007, additional pictures available on the architects' page: