Worship Service
Buckhall celebrates two traditional worship services on Sunday mornings (8:45 am & 11:15 am).The sermon relates the Christian message to daily life. The order of worship is as follows:
([] denotes where words may be found)
The Community Gathers
- Music (Prelude)
- Welcome and Announcements
- Opening prayer
- Sharing the Peace of Christ *
- Congregational Introit [Projected, Bulletin, Hymal] *
- Responsive Call to Worship [Projected, Bulletin] *
- Song/Hymn [Projected, Hymnal] *
- Children's time! (See note below)
The Community Cares
- Offering of Gifts and Tithes (An Offertory Anthem or Voluntary is played)
- Offertory Response (Doxology) [Projected, Hymnal] *
- Offertory Prayer (Responsive Reading) [Projected, Bulletin] *
- Joys and Concerns / Prayers of the People
- Praying "The Lord’s Prayer" [Projected, Hymnal, Bible, Bulletin]
- Song/Hymn [Projected, Hymnal] *
The Community Grows
- Reading from the scripture [Projected, Bible] (* if a Gospel reading)
- Message (Sermon)
- Closing Song/Hymn [Projected, Hymnal] *
- Blessing / Benediction / Sending Forth *
- Music (Postlude)
Items marked with an asterisk (*) invite the congregation members to stand if they are able.
Words to responsive prayers, songs, and readings are projected on the wall or can be found in the pew hymnals, pew Bibles, and the bulletin. Informal dress is encouraged. The Sacrament of Baptism and Reception of New Members occur during worship as well as the Sacrament of Holy Communion (Eucharist).
Children's Time! -- During this time, children are welcome to come up front for a brief message. Parents are also welcome. Following Children’s Time, children ages 3-K, are invited to go to Children’s Church (in a classroom across from the Nursery) for the remainder of the service. Children, first grade and older, are invited to remain with their parents. Activity bags are available for children who remain in worship.
Holy Communion (Eucharist) is served on the first Sunday of each month. All present are invited to partake of Communion, independent of age or church affiliation. Between the Message (Sermon) and Closing Hymn/Song above, the following is inserted:
- Communion Hymn/Song [Projected, Hymnal]
- Prayer of Great Thanksgiving [Projected, Hymnal]
- Serving of Communion
Church Activities and Community Support
A supplemental amplification system is available for the duration of the service. Receivers can be picked up at the back of the sanctuary.Each Sunday, a short time is taken to "Share the Peace of Christ," i.e., greet and visit with one another informally. An opportunity is also provided to share joys and concerns and make prayer requests.
In addition to Sunday worship, there are services on Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. There is also an Easter Sunrise Service. The seasons of Advent and Lent are observed in worship.
The church has its own Boy Scout troop. Additionally, Girl Scouts use our facilities
for their meetings. Other organizations such as AA and NA also use our buildings and property for their meetings
The pastor and church are available to nonmembers for ceremonies such as weddings and memorial services.
Church members frequently bring food to be donated to SERVE (a local food pantry). We have groups that regularly collect food in front of local groceries for SERVE. This has resulted in hundreds of pounds of food being donated.