Dear Friends,
This Sunday we will consecrate for servant leadership, some of the people in our church who have said “yes” to serving God, by serving at Buckhall United Methodist Church. These are people who will serve on Administrative Council, Staff-Parish Relations Committee, Nominations and Leadership Development, Finance, and Trustees. Please join us this Sunday as we give thanks for their service.
Yet, there are many more ways in which people serve God by offering their gifts and graces in service here at Buckhall. We are grateful for the Servant Leaders who serve in the ministry areas of: Hospitality, Evangelism, Worship (choir), Discipleship and Small Groups, Communications, Age-level ministries, Sunday School, Missions, Men’s Ministry, Military Fellowship, and United Methodist Women.
The Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development is in the process of calling other people to serve as Servant Leaders in these ministry areas. Buckhall United Methodist Church is blessed by their hearts for service, and continues to be an exciting place in which to serve. We look forward to recognizing their service and leadership in an upcoming worship service.
As we begin this new year, I hope that you are spending time in prayer and discernment about how God may be calling you to serve. In this Sunday’s message we will reflect on God’s call to Samuel, and discover how his call can be a guide to discerning our own call by God. As you are in prayer, if you sense a call by God to serve in any of the ministry areas listed, or sense God calling you to lead us into another ministry area, please let me know.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please pray for our call as the body of Christ: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Yours in Christ,