Dear Friends,
Think for a moment about someone who you consider to be a close friend. I imagine that your closeness in relationship didn't begin right away. That closeness developed as you spent time together, learned more about each other, and had some shared experiences together. Through that affection, and trust your relationship deepened to where you would call that person a close friend. A close friend is someone who cares about you, who "gets" you , supports you, and who loves you, even in those times when you are less than loveable.
We all yearn to be known, to be understood, and in that knowing – to be accepted, just the way we are. That is how God responds to us. God knows us, understands us, supports us, and loves us. But what do we know about God? What kind of time do we spend with God? What experiences have you had with God? How have you felt God's love toward you? How do you show your love for God?
The "knowing" of God is a life-long journey, but it is a made easier because this God wants us to know him. This Sunday we begin our Lenten journey toward "knowing" God more deeply.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please pray for how God is calling you to serve in Buckhall's mission: to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,