Dear Friends,
This Sunday we celebrate new life; life that comes from the power of God’s love; a love that raised Jesus from the dead, breaking the powers of sin and death. It is this power of God’s love that turns our mourning into dancing. It is this power that can turn our despair into hope. This Sunday we celebrate Easter. Easter is God’s “Yes!” to life, to healing, to forgiveness, to peace, to joy, and to grace. Easter says that the worst thing that happens to us, does not have the final say in our life; God has the last word and God speaks words of hope and promise; God’s word is “Yes!”
So let’s celebrate this good news! We will begin with an Easter sunrise service at6:30am and will offer Easter worship services at 8:45am and 11:15am. You are invited to share in delicious breakfast treats in between.
I look forward to worshiping with you. Please keep the mission of Buckhall UMC in your prayers: to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Also, keep in your prayers people who do not have a church home, yet who are seeking. Pray that they be led to find a community of faith where God’s love is celebrated and lived out in service to God, to one another, and to our neighbors - a place like Buckhall.
Yours in Christ,