Dear Friends,
In the passage of scripture where Jesus says, I AM the good shepherd, Jesus also says: the sheep follow the good shepherd because they know his voice. We have a lot of voices talking to us throughout the day; the voices of family members, the voices of co-workers and boss, the voices of friends, the voices we hear as we watch the news or go on-line. With so many voices, often talking AT us, how are we to hear with clarity the voice of Jesus, the good shepherd?
We do this by spending time with this good shepherd. Getting to know him, allowing him to tend to us by his grace, healing our bruised spirits, leading us into places of deeper engagement with the world.
In the season of Lent, we seek to become closer to Jesus. As we allow ourselves this closeness, we are able to hear his voice more clearly; the voice that tells us that we are the beloved, that we were created for a purpose, that our brokenness can be healed, that we are forgiven, that we belong, that we matter. So take a few moments and breathe in the knowledge that you are loved, forgiven, and cherished - and know peace.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please pray for the mission of Buckhall UMC: To make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,