Happy first day of spring! It has been a difficult winter, with snow, ice, cancellations, closings, and delays. We rejoice in the signs of spring; the greening of our yards, crocuses and tulips blooming, trees budding, and birds singing. For gardeners it is the time to clean up the yard, remove the dead branches, and look to preparing beds for planting. The melting snow and ice turn into rivulets that water the earth. Signs of new life are everywhere.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are attuned to the signs of new life within ourselves and witness it in the lives of others. When we realize that our prayers now begin with praise and gratitude, rather than a litany of needs; when we study God’s word and the words move from the page, into moving our hearts; when we look at the outcast with compassion, rather criticism; when abundance is no longer measured by what we have, but rather by a desire to give; when worship is something that’s not about whether my heart was moved, but rather did my worship move the heart of God – then we are seeing how God’s grace is moving, growing, changing us. Our growing and changing comes when we keep connected to Jesus Christ.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please continue to pray for the mission of Buckhall UMC: to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,