Saturday, May 9, 2015
Pastor's Letter - May 8, 2015
Note: Please visit -- all future newsletters and announcements will be posted at that address.
Authentic Relationships: Around the Water Cooler
Dear Friends,
We spend a majority of our week doing some kind of work. Our work place may be in an office, at home, in a classroom, or in our car. For most of us, work involves interacting with other people; customers, co-workers, supervisors, students, or purveyors.
What happens when someone in our work environment doesn’t “play well with others?” We know the disruption, the stress, and tension this can lead to. We recognize that our work experience is more fulfilling when those work relationships are healthy. What are things we can do, as people of faith, to help maintain healthy relationships at work?
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. This Sunday is also Mother’s Day. Invite your mother, or a person who nurtured and cared for you in your life, to worship with you. Please pray for the mission of Buckhall UMC: to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Note: Please visit -- all future newsletters and announcements will be posted at that address. This blogspot address will be going inactive.
Friday, May 1, 2015
Pastor's Letter - May 1, 2015
Dear Friends,
Aging is inevitable. It is one of life’s realities. What do you anticipate the next 5, 10, 25 years to bring in your life? What changes do you expect? What kind of plans do you have in place? Have you told your family members your wishes?
This Sunday, according to the UMC calendar, is Older Adult Recognition Sunday. As we continue the series, Authentic Relationships, we will look at how relationships help us to age gracefully. We will also think about how we at Buckhall help build community among those who are young at heart and welcome others from the area around us. Please reach out to a friend or family member and invite them to join you in worship.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please pray for the mission of Buckhall UMC: to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Aging is inevitable. It is one of life’s realities. What do you anticipate the next 5, 10, 25 years to bring in your life? What changes do you expect? What kind of plans do you have in place? Have you told your family members your wishes?
This Sunday, according to the UMC calendar, is Older Adult Recognition Sunday. As we continue the series, Authentic Relationships, we will look at how relationships help us to age gracefully. We will also think about how we at Buckhall help build community among those who are young at heart and welcome others from the area around us. Please reach out to a friend or family member and invite them to join you in worship.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please pray for the mission of Buckhall UMC: to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Pastor's letter - April 25, 2015
Dear Friends,
When you think of the word "friend", who comes to mind? Is it someone who has known you most of your life? A person who was with you during a difficult time? The one who "gets" you? The term "friend" encompasses many kinds of relationships. Regardless of the kind of friend you are thinking about just now, we know that having friends is one of life's blessings.
This Sunday we will discover what it means to have a healthy friend relationship and what our faith has to offer to strengthen and deepen our friendships.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please continue to pray for the mission of Jesus Christ here at Buckhall UMC: to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Friday, April 10, 2015
Pastor's letter - April 10, 2015
Dear Friends,
During the next few weeks, we will be talking about relationships. We are all a part of relationships by virtue of being human. Think about the many ways you are connected to other people; as a child, spouse, sibling, parent, co-worker, friend, etc. But with all this relating, do you ever feel that some relationships just aren’t as satisfying as they could be? Something seems to be missing. Join us as we reflect on what it takes to develop and maintain healthy, authentic relationships.
This Sunday, we begin with the relationship that informs and influences all our other relationships and that is our relationship with God. Come and discover the essential ingredients for a satisfying bond between ourselves and God.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please pray for the mission of Buckhall United Methodist Church: To make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
PS I hope you will attend the “All-Church Meeting” this Sunday, 4/12 @ 10:00am between services. As a church family, we sometimes face challenges, and need to come together to discuss “family matters.” Your presence and your prayers are appreciated.
During the next few weeks, we will be talking about relationships. We are all a part of relationships by virtue of being human. Think about the many ways you are connected to other people; as a child, spouse, sibling, parent, co-worker, friend, etc. But with all this relating, do you ever feel that some relationships just aren’t as satisfying as they could be? Something seems to be missing. Join us as we reflect on what it takes to develop and maintain healthy, authentic relationships.
This Sunday, we begin with the relationship that informs and influences all our other relationships and that is our relationship with God. Come and discover the essential ingredients for a satisfying bond between ourselves and God.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please pray for the mission of Buckhall United Methodist Church: To make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
PS I hope you will attend the “All-Church Meeting” this Sunday, 4/12 @ 10:00am between services. As a church family, we sometimes face challenges, and need to come together to discuss “family matters.” Your presence and your prayers are appreciated.
Friday, April 3, 2015
Pastor's letter - April 3, 2015
Dear Friends,
This Sunday we celebrate new life; life that comes from the power of God’s love; a love that raised Jesus from the dead, breaking the powers of sin and death. It is this power of God’s love that turns our mourning into dancing. It is this power that can turn our despair into hope. This Sunday we celebrate Easter. Easter is God’s “Yes!” to life, to healing, to forgiveness, to peace, to joy, and to grace. Easter says that the worst thing that happens to us, does not have the final say in our life; God has the last word and God speaks words of hope and promise; God’s word is “Yes!”
So let’s celebrate this good news! We will begin with an Easter sunrise service at6:30am and will offer Easter worship services at 8:45am and 11:15am. You are invited to share in delicious breakfast treats in between.
I look forward to worshiping with you. Please keep the mission of Buckhall UMC in your prayers: to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Also, keep in your prayers people who do not have a church home, yet who are seeking. Pray that they be led to find a community of faith where God’s love is celebrated and lived out in service to God, to one another, and to our neighbors - a place like Buckhall.
Yours in Christ,
This Sunday we celebrate new life; life that comes from the power of God’s love; a love that raised Jesus from the dead, breaking the powers of sin and death. It is this power of God’s love that turns our mourning into dancing. It is this power that can turn our despair into hope. This Sunday we celebrate Easter. Easter is God’s “Yes!” to life, to healing, to forgiveness, to peace, to joy, and to grace. Easter says that the worst thing that happens to us, does not have the final say in our life; God has the last word and God speaks words of hope and promise; God’s word is “Yes!”
So let’s celebrate this good news! We will begin with an Easter sunrise service at6:30am and will offer Easter worship services at 8:45am and 11:15am. You are invited to share in delicious breakfast treats in between.
I look forward to worshiping with you. Please keep the mission of Buckhall UMC in your prayers: to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Also, keep in your prayers people who do not have a church home, yet who are seeking. Pray that they be led to find a community of faith where God’s love is celebrated and lived out in service to God, to one another, and to our neighbors - a place like Buckhall.
Yours in Christ,
Friday, March 27, 2015
Pastor's Letter - March 27, 2015
Dear Friends,
It is hard to believe that the season of Lent is almost over and that we are beginning Holy Week. This Sunday we will celebrate Palm/Passion Sunday. As the service begins we will celebrate with "Hosannas!" and the waving of palm branches. As the service continues, we will reflect on the events leading up to the crucifixion.
You may wonder, "Why Palm/Passion Sunday; Why not just Palm Sunday?" If a person only attends Palm Sunday and then Easter Sunday worship, they may never take the time to reflect on the cross of Good Friday. In other words, they go from celebration to celebration. What they forget is that we don't have an Easter Sunday morning where we celebrate resurrection, without journeying through the events of Good Friday.
We have all experienced those "Good Friday" times; times of loneliness or alienation, times of grief and distress, times of despair and guilt. The cross reminds us that whatever we are experiencing, we are not alone. When we find ourselves in a place of alienation, we discover the presence of Jesus who, himself, experienced the greatest alienation through his death on the cross. In our darkest moments, Jesus, God in the flesh, is there. We realize that those "Good Friday" experiences do not have the last word. The last word comes through Easter morning; the resurrection, the promise of hope, the certainty of new life – that is good news!
I hope many of you will join us during for these events of Holy Week:
· Thursday, April 2nd at 7:00pm for a Maundy Thursday Service where we find ourselves at the Last Supper with Jesus, and where we end the service by stripping of the altar.
· Friday, April 3rd as we reflect on the events of Good Friday and the grace received through Jesus' act of sacrificial love on the cross, the sanctuary will be open from 11:00am to 7:00pm for prayer and meditation. A meditation guide will be available and you can light a candle as an expression of prayer.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please pray for the mission of Buckhall UMC: To make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
PS – I hope to see you all at the Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow, 3/28, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Please invite your friends for this time of fun and fellowship.
Easter Sunday Services
Sunrise Service – 6:30am
Easter Sunday Worship Services – 8:45am and 11:15am
Fellowship/Refreshments – 10:00am (You are invited to bring finger food to share)
It is hard to believe that the season of Lent is almost over and that we are beginning Holy Week. This Sunday we will celebrate Palm/Passion Sunday. As the service begins we will celebrate with "Hosannas!" and the waving of palm branches. As the service continues, we will reflect on the events leading up to the crucifixion.
You may wonder, "Why Palm/Passion Sunday; Why not just Palm Sunday?" If a person only attends Palm Sunday and then Easter Sunday worship, they may never take the time to reflect on the cross of Good Friday. In other words, they go from celebration to celebration. What they forget is that we don't have an Easter Sunday morning where we celebrate resurrection, without journeying through the events of Good Friday.
We have all experienced those "Good Friday" times; times of loneliness or alienation, times of grief and distress, times of despair and guilt. The cross reminds us that whatever we are experiencing, we are not alone. When we find ourselves in a place of alienation, we discover the presence of Jesus who, himself, experienced the greatest alienation through his death on the cross. In our darkest moments, Jesus, God in the flesh, is there. We realize that those "Good Friday" experiences do not have the last word. The last word comes through Easter morning; the resurrection, the promise of hope, the certainty of new life – that is good news!
I hope many of you will join us during for these events of Holy Week:
· Thursday, April 2nd at 7:00pm for a Maundy Thursday Service where we find ourselves at the Last Supper with Jesus, and where we end the service by stripping of the altar.
· Friday, April 3rd as we reflect on the events of Good Friday and the grace received through Jesus' act of sacrificial love on the cross, the sanctuary will be open from 11:00am to 7:00pm for prayer and meditation. A meditation guide will be available and you can light a candle as an expression of prayer.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please pray for the mission of Buckhall UMC: To make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
PS – I hope to see you all at the Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow, 3/28, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Please invite your friends for this time of fun and fellowship.
Easter Sunday Services
Sunrise Service – 6:30am
Easter Sunday Worship Services – 8:45am and 11:15am
Fellowship/Refreshments – 10:00am (You are invited to bring finger food to share)
Friday, March 20, 2015
Pastor's Letter - March 20, 2015
Dear Friends,
Happy first day of spring! It has been a difficult winter, with snow, ice, cancellations, closings, and delays. We rejoice in the signs of spring; the greening of our yards, crocuses and tulips blooming, trees budding, and birds singing. For gardeners it is the time to clean up the yard, remove the dead branches, and look to preparing beds for planting. The melting snow and ice turn into rivulets that water the earth. Signs of new life are everywhere.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are attuned to the signs of new life within ourselves and witness it in the lives of others. When we realize that our prayers now begin with praise and gratitude, rather than a litany of needs; when we study God’s word and the words move from the page, into moving our hearts; when we look at the outcast with compassion, rather criticism; when abundance is no longer measured by what we have, but rather by a desire to give; when worship is something that’s not about whether my heart was moved, but rather did my worship move the heart of God – then we are seeing how God’s grace is moving, growing, changing us. Our growing and changing comes when we keep connected to Jesus Christ.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please continue to pray for the mission of Buckhall UMC: to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Happy first day of spring! It has been a difficult winter, with snow, ice, cancellations, closings, and delays. We rejoice in the signs of spring; the greening of our yards, crocuses and tulips blooming, trees budding, and birds singing. For gardeners it is the time to clean up the yard, remove the dead branches, and look to preparing beds for planting. The melting snow and ice turn into rivulets that water the earth. Signs of new life are everywhere.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are attuned to the signs of new life within ourselves and witness it in the lives of others. When we realize that our prayers now begin with praise and gratitude, rather than a litany of needs; when we study God’s word and the words move from the page, into moving our hearts; when we look at the outcast with compassion, rather criticism; when abundance is no longer measured by what we have, but rather by a desire to give; when worship is something that’s not about whether my heart was moved, but rather did my worship move the heart of God – then we are seeing how God’s grace is moving, growing, changing us. Our growing and changing comes when we keep connected to Jesus Christ.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please continue to pray for the mission of Buckhall UMC: to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Friday, March 13, 2015
Pastor's Letter - March 13, 2015
Dear Friends,
In the passage of scripture where Jesus says, I AM the good shepherd, Jesus also says: the sheep follow the good shepherd because they know his voice. We have a lot of voices talking to us throughout the day; the voices of family members, the voices of co-workers and boss, the voices of friends, the voices we hear as we watch the news or go on-line. With so many voices, often talking AT us, how are we to hear with clarity the voice of Jesus, the good shepherd?
We do this by spending time with this good shepherd. Getting to know him, allowing him to tend to us by his grace, healing our bruised spirits, leading us into places of deeper engagement with the world.
In the season of Lent, we seek to become closer to Jesus. As we allow ourselves this closeness, we are able to hear his voice more clearly; the voice that tells us that we are the beloved, that we were created for a purpose, that our brokenness can be healed, that we are forgiven, that we belong, that we matter. So take a few moments and breathe in the knowledge that you are loved, forgiven, and cherished - and know peace.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please pray for the mission of Buckhall UMC: To make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
In the passage of scripture where Jesus says, I AM the good shepherd, Jesus also says: the sheep follow the good shepherd because they know his voice. We have a lot of voices talking to us throughout the day; the voices of family members, the voices of co-workers and boss, the voices of friends, the voices we hear as we watch the news or go on-line. With so many voices, often talking AT us, how are we to hear with clarity the voice of Jesus, the good shepherd?
We do this by spending time with this good shepherd. Getting to know him, allowing him to tend to us by his grace, healing our bruised spirits, leading us into places of deeper engagement with the world.
In the season of Lent, we seek to become closer to Jesus. As we allow ourselves this closeness, we are able to hear his voice more clearly; the voice that tells us that we are the beloved, that we were created for a purpose, that our brokenness can be healed, that we are forgiven, that we belong, that we matter. So take a few moments and breathe in the knowledge that you are loved, forgiven, and cherished - and know peace.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please pray for the mission of Buckhall UMC: To make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Good Shepherd,
Friday, March 6, 2015
Pastor's Letter - March 6, 2015
Dear Friends,
As I write this, the sun is lighting up a snow-covered world (or at least our corner of it). There is a brilliant intensity to sunlight on snow. The intense sunlight means that snow will melt, the ground will be watered, and yes, spring growth will be revealed. Light brings life.
Jesus says, "I AM the light of the world." This statement reveals more about who Jesus is, and in doing so, also tells us more about God. God is about overcoming the darkness and moving to light. This light of Christ can chase away the darkness in our world, and in our lives, transforming our world and us. This Christ light is a gift of grace, and one that Jesus invites us to share with others. How are we shining the light of Christ’s love into the world?
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please pray for how God is calling each of us to share in the mission of Buckhall: to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
P.S. Please remember to turn your clocks ahead for Sunday.
As I write this, the sun is lighting up a snow-covered world (or at least our corner of it). There is a brilliant intensity to sunlight on snow. The intense sunlight means that snow will melt, the ground will be watered, and yes, spring growth will be revealed. Light brings life.
Jesus says, "I AM the light of the world." This statement reveals more about who Jesus is, and in doing so, also tells us more about God. God is about overcoming the darkness and moving to light. This light of Christ can chase away the darkness in our world, and in our lives, transforming our world and us. This Christ light is a gift of grace, and one that Jesus invites us to share with others. How are we shining the light of Christ’s love into the world?
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please pray for how God is calling each of us to share in the mission of Buckhall: to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
P.S. Please remember to turn your clocks ahead for Sunday.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Pastor's Letter - February 27, 2015
Dear Friends,
I remember during my teen years, and into college, listening to comedy albums. (Yes, I am dating myself.) One of my favorite comedy “bits” was George Carlin talking about “stuff” and how we had too much stuff and the extraordinary things we do to acquire more stuff and then to maintain, store, and keep our stuff safe. We are full of stuff. Yet, while we are full, does that mean we are satisfied? If we say that “yes” we are satisfied, then why do we keep obtaining more? Why do we still hunger for more?
Jesus realizes the hungers in our lives. We hunger for food, for attention, for power, for money, for possessions, and yet, rather than sate our appetites, these often do not bring us satisfaction. In the midst of our hungering, Jesus says something extraordinary: I AM the bread of life. But unlike ordinary bread, that we can eat until we are full, but in a few hours are hungry again; Jesus offers us something, that when we take into our lives, we need never be hungry again. We will reflect more on this in worship this Sunday.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please continue to pray for the mission of Buckhall UMC: to make disciples of Jesus Christ, or as we learned in our recent planning session, we are “disciples making disciples.”
Yours in Christ,
PS – How are you observing this season of Lent? How are you seeking to draw closer to Jesus Christ?
I remember during my teen years, and into college, listening to comedy albums. (Yes, I am dating myself.) One of my favorite comedy “bits” was George Carlin talking about “stuff” and how we had too much stuff and the extraordinary things we do to acquire more stuff and then to maintain, store, and keep our stuff safe. We are full of stuff. Yet, while we are full, does that mean we are satisfied? If we say that “yes” we are satisfied, then why do we keep obtaining more? Why do we still hunger for more?
Jesus realizes the hungers in our lives. We hunger for food, for attention, for power, for money, for possessions, and yet, rather than sate our appetites, these often do not bring us satisfaction. In the midst of our hungering, Jesus says something extraordinary: I AM the bread of life. But unlike ordinary bread, that we can eat until we are full, but in a few hours are hungry again; Jesus offers us something, that when we take into our lives, we need never be hungry again. We will reflect more on this in worship this Sunday.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please continue to pray for the mission of Buckhall UMC: to make disciples of Jesus Christ, or as we learned in our recent planning session, we are “disciples making disciples.”
Yours in Christ,
PS – How are you observing this season of Lent? How are you seeking to draw closer to Jesus Christ?
Friday, February 20, 2015
Pastor's Letter - February 20, 2015
Dear Friends,
Think for a moment about someone who you consider to be a close friend. I imagine that your closeness in relationship didn't begin right away. That closeness developed as you spent time together, learned more about each other, and had some shared experiences together. Through that affection, and trust your relationship deepened to where you would call that person a close friend. A close friend is someone who cares about you, who "gets" you , supports you, and who loves you, even in those times when you are less than loveable.
We all yearn to be known, to be understood, and in that knowing – to be accepted, just the way we are. That is how God responds to us. God knows us, understands us, supports us, and loves us. But what do we know about God? What kind of time do we spend with God? What experiences have you had with God? How have you felt God's love toward you? How do you show your love for God?
The "knowing" of God is a life-long journey, but it is a made easier because this God wants us to know him. This Sunday we begin our Lenten journey toward "knowing" God more deeply.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please pray for how God is calling you to serve in Buckhall's mission: to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Think for a moment about someone who you consider to be a close friend. I imagine that your closeness in relationship didn't begin right away. That closeness developed as you spent time together, learned more about each other, and had some shared experiences together. Through that affection, and trust your relationship deepened to where you would call that person a close friend. A close friend is someone who cares about you, who "gets" you , supports you, and who loves you, even in those times when you are less than loveable.
We all yearn to be known, to be understood, and in that knowing – to be accepted, just the way we are. That is how God responds to us. God knows us, understands us, supports us, and loves us. But what do we know about God? What kind of time do we spend with God? What experiences have you had with God? How have you felt God's love toward you? How do you show your love for God?
The "knowing" of God is a life-long journey, but it is a made easier because this God wants us to know him. This Sunday we begin our Lenten journey toward "knowing" God more deeply.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please pray for how God is calling you to serve in Buckhall's mission: to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Friday, February 13, 2015
Pastor's Letter - February 13, 2015
Dear Friends,
When have you experienced a mountain-top moment? A moment when you felt gloriously close to God? Or was there a time when you witnessed the majesty of God and were overcome with awe? Those moments ground us in realization of the awesomeness of God.
Those moments that can deepen our faith. With each encounter with God, we gain a glimpse of yet another facet of who God is and, also, gain a deeper understanding of who we really are.
It is a mountain top moment that we read about in the Gospel according to Mark, that leads us into the season of Lent. Lent is a season of preparation; where we prepare our hearts to draw closer to God, and allow God’s grace to renew us.
Mountaintop moments don’t happen all the time. But, the good news is that the God we encounter in those mountaintop moments, is the same God who walks with us every day, all day long. As we move through the season of Lent, how will you allow God to walk closer to you?
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please continue to pray for the mission of Buckhall United Methodist Church: To make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
PS: Join us for the Ash Wednesday service at 7:00pm, February 18th .
Your input is needed for the upcoming church planning session this Thursday, February 19th. We will begin with dinner at 6:00pm and then move into the planning. This session will be led by the Rev. Dr. Sarah Calvert who serves in the Bi-District office in Leadership Development and Church Revitalization. Please let us know you will attend by e-mailing.
Mountain top,
Friday, February 6, 2015
Pastor's Letter - February 6, 2015
Dear Friends,
For the past 3 weeks I have been wearing the same 7 pieces of clothing – not at the same time; and yes, they have been laundered frequently. I am engaged in a clothing “fast,” where I have limited my clothing choices to 7 items – 2 pairs of pants, 2 sweaters, 1 dress, and 2 tops. I am allowing myself a coat, a scarf, and two different pairs of shoes, as well as my wedding band, a watch, and 1 pair of earrings (oh, yes, and underwear) . I am doing this because of an increasing uneasiness over how much excess I have and I was prompted to this examination after I read the book, “Seven, an experimental mutiny against excess, “ by Jen Hatmaker. This is the book that we will use for a Lenten book discussion, as we will gather at Panera’s. No, I am not doing this on my own, but with a clergy friend.
What have I learned so far? With fewer options, I spend less time deciding what I will wear. With 7 options, I have to be vigilant about doing laundry (no going 2 weeks). I realize how many pieces of clothing I haven’t worn in years (some due to weight loss/gain); and how much I impulse buy - that top on sale? Sold!, and then it sits in the closet. I also realize that though I have pared down, there is more I can give away and perhaps help someone else.
The understanding behind a fast is that as we forego something, we create space to experience an increased awareness of God. It allows us to shift our priorities from our preoccupation with our “stuff,” in order to focus more on our life with God. As we let go of “things,” we are hopefully taking steps toward Christ-like simplicity.
So I ask for your prayers as I continue on this journey of “fasting.” This clothing “fast” will continue for another week and then at the start of Lent, I will begin a fast where I will limit my food items to “seven.” I am in discernment about what this will look like.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please continue to pray for the mission of Buckhall UMC: to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Pastor's Letter - January 30, 2015
Dear Friends,
One of my all-time favorite musicals is "A Chorus Line." In that musical is a favorite ballad, "What I Did for Love." While the musical chronicles the challenges and heart-aches of going through an audition on stage; its plot includes each performer telling their story of how they got "here", auditioning on a Broadway stage. Their stories are powerful, moving, and funny. In a sense, their stories tell what they each "did for love" - of dance and performing; the sacrifices they had to make along the way, the support, or lack-thereof, from their families.
This Sunday, we will reflect on "what we do for love" as people of faith. The apostle Paul teaches that what we do as followers of Jesus is to be done "out of love;" - love of God, and love for another. Along the way, we will face challenges, and have to make sacrifices, but Paul would tell us that it is all worth it. "What we do for love" is what gives our life meaning and purpose.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please continue to pray for the mission of Buckhall United Methodist Church: To make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
PS – During the season of Lent (February 18th – April 4th), we will have a particular mission focus: Imagine No Malaria. It is an initiative of the United Methodist Church to reduce deaths due to malaria by providing specially treated nets for use during the night, when mosquitoes swarm. 90% of the deaths due to malaria are among children under 5 yrs. old and nets significantly reduce that number. A net costs $10.00, and Buckhall’s Mission Commission is asking each person to prayerfully consider purchasing a net by donating $10.00. Checks can be made out to the church, designating (Nets for Malaria). Our goal is to provide 100 nets. If you have any questions, please contact me (Pastor Linda). Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Pastor's Letter, January 23, 2015
Dear Friends,
There is a saying: Perception defines reality. What we perceive as true, shapes what we believe to be true. But our perceptions can be influenced by more that “just the facts.” Our personal experiences, our beliefs, our (limited) knowledge can all help to shape our perception. We see only one facet of a situation, but having a second set of eyes looking at a situation, may give us a fuller picture. Someone else’s perception can help us to see, more clearly, what truly “is.”
This week we will “see” what happens when we look at things through God’s eyes and find that God sees things differently. How can looking through the “God lenses” in our own lives help us to see and understand more clearly, the reality in our lives.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please continue to pray for the mission of Buckhall UMC: to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Friday, January 16, 2015
Pastor's Letter - January 16, 2015
Dear Friends,
We continue our journey: Off to a Great Start!; as we think about our relationship with God in this new year. We began by thinking about new beginnings and drawing closer to God. We signified that renewing of our relationship with God, by renewing our baptism. Last week, we reflected on Samuel’s experience of God’s call and what God’s call might look like in our lives.
We continue our journey: Off to a Great Start!; as we think about our relationship with God in this new year. We began by thinking about new beginnings and drawing closer to God. We signified that renewing of our relationship with God, by renewing our baptism. Last week, we reflected on Samuel’s experience of God’s call and what God’s call might look like in our lives.
This Sunday, we take the next step. We are called, but for what? While the overarching mission of making disciples for Jesus Christ is the same, what each of us is called to do so that this mission is fulfilled, will vary. Jesus sent his followers out on a mission. We will look at Jesus’ instructions for carrying out this mission and see how Jesus’ instructions are relevant for our mission today, as individuals and as a church.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please continue to pray for the mission at Buckhall UMC: to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Friday, January 9, 2015
Pastor's letter - January 9, 2015
Dear Friends,
This Sunday we will consecrate for servant leadership, some of the people in our church who have said “yes” to serving God, by serving at Buckhall United Methodist Church. These are people who will serve on Administrative Council, Staff-Parish Relations Committee, Nominations and Leadership Development, Finance, and Trustees. Please join us this Sunday as we give thanks for their service.
Yet, there are many more ways in which people serve God by offering their gifts and graces in service here at Buckhall. We are grateful for the Servant Leaders who serve in the ministry areas of: Hospitality, Evangelism, Worship (choir), Discipleship and Small Groups, Communications, Age-level ministries, Sunday School, Missions, Men’s Ministry, Military Fellowship, and United Methodist Women.
The Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development is in the process of calling other people to serve as Servant Leaders in these ministry areas. Buckhall United Methodist Church is blessed by their hearts for service, and continues to be an exciting place in which to serve. We look forward to recognizing their service and leadership in an upcoming worship service.
As we begin this new year, I hope that you are spending time in prayer and discernment about how God may be calling you to serve. In this Sunday’s message we will reflect on God’s call to Samuel, and discover how his call can be a guide to discerning our own call by God. As you are in prayer, if you sense a call by God to serve in any of the ministry areas listed, or sense God calling you to lead us into another ministry area, please let me know.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please pray for our call as the body of Christ: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Yours in Christ,
This Sunday we will consecrate for servant leadership, some of the people in our church who have said “yes” to serving God, by serving at Buckhall United Methodist Church. These are people who will serve on Administrative Council, Staff-Parish Relations Committee, Nominations and Leadership Development, Finance, and Trustees. Please join us this Sunday as we give thanks for their service.
Yet, there are many more ways in which people serve God by offering their gifts and graces in service here at Buckhall. We are grateful for the Servant Leaders who serve in the ministry areas of: Hospitality, Evangelism, Worship (choir), Discipleship and Small Groups, Communications, Age-level ministries, Sunday School, Missions, Men’s Ministry, Military Fellowship, and United Methodist Women.
The Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development is in the process of calling other people to serve as Servant Leaders in these ministry areas. Buckhall United Methodist Church is blessed by their hearts for service, and continues to be an exciting place in which to serve. We look forward to recognizing their service and leadership in an upcoming worship service.
As we begin this new year, I hope that you are spending time in prayer and discernment about how God may be calling you to serve. In this Sunday’s message we will reflect on God’s call to Samuel, and discover how his call can be a guide to discerning our own call by God. As you are in prayer, if you sense a call by God to serve in any of the ministry areas listed, or sense God calling you to lead us into another ministry area, please let me know.
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please pray for our call as the body of Christ: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Yours in Christ,
Friday, January 2, 2015
Pastor's Letter - January 2, 2015
Dear Friends,
Happy New Year! To me a new year is like a pad of paper with 365 blank pages, each waiting to be written or drawn on. It is bursting with potential and possibilities. This Sunday we will begin the series: Off to a Great Start, where we reflect on the possibilities for this new year.
What do we want this year to look like?
Are there some things that we want to leave behind in 2014? Are there new things that we want to include in this coming year? Like cleaning out a cluttered closet, there are things we want to get rid of, others we want to keep, and still others we might keep, but plan to renovate or repurpose. And, in sorting through the closet of this past year, are we allowing God to guide us?
Imagine what this new year could look like if we aligned our hopes and dreams for this year with what our creative God, who has an infinite imagination, dreams for our life?
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please continue to pray for the mission of Buckhall United Methodist Church: To make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Happy New Year! To me a new year is like a pad of paper with 365 blank pages, each waiting to be written or drawn on. It is bursting with potential and possibilities. This Sunday we will begin the series: Off to a Great Start, where we reflect on the possibilities for this new year.
What do we want this year to look like?
Are there some things that we want to leave behind in 2014? Are there new things that we want to include in this coming year? Like cleaning out a cluttered closet, there are things we want to get rid of, others we want to keep, and still others we might keep, but plan to renovate or repurpose. And, in sorting through the closet of this past year, are we allowing God to guide us?
Imagine what this new year could look like if we aligned our hopes and dreams for this year with what our creative God, who has an infinite imagination, dreams for our life?
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Please continue to pray for the mission of Buckhall United Methodist Church: To make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
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